FTC & FTC Laws secure consumers
Federal Trade Commission enforce FTC Law Firm which protect the right of consumers and prevent the business form illegal business practices. FTC investigates companies and sues them if the company violet FTC Law. FTC has laws and acts which protect the consumers. The most significant Laws and ACT are:
Identity Theft Act
Fair Credit Reporting ACT
Clayton ACT
Telemarketing Sales Rules
FTC was developed in 1914 with the aim to prevent consumers from fraud and protect their rights of consumption. FTC laws are not just protect consumer FTC also promote competitions between business. FTC laws regulate with the help of three Bureaus. FTC bureaus work in specific areas. These three Bureaus are:
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Bureau of Economics
Bureau of Competitions
Federal Trade Commission ACT 5:
Most important and significant FTC laws are section 5(a) give power to the agency to investigate and take legal action against fraudulent business practices that violate consumer’s rights.
Telemarketing Sales Rule:
It enforces the laws for telemarketing. FTC law Telemarketing Sales emerged in 1995. This law restricted telemarketing to time for telemarketing calls to customers.
Fair Credit Reporting ACT
FTC law of Fair credit Reporting protects the privacy and fairness of information of customers. FTC ensures that the credit reporting agency of FTC can access the data which businesses collect for a consumer report.
Clayton ACT
Clayton ACT is the core of FTC law it defines the unfair business practices in which monopoly and price-fixing are the most significant. And also enforce the law for protecting the rights of labor.
Identity Theft Act
FTC identity theft Act deal with the complaints of identity theft and it also creates awareness among customers.
FTC or (federal trade commission) is an independent agency of the US. It works under the executive branch of the Federal Government. FTC head is nominated president which is confirmed by congress. The FTC controls five commissions and it directly reports all to congress and the legislative branch.
If you are the consumer who wants to submit your complaint to the FTC it is very simple and easy you just go to the official website of FTC and send your complaint against any business means or practice such as scammed or any other complaint. FTC will definitely take action on your complaints.
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