Promotion of consumer protection can be done by FTC

What is FTC?

First of all we should know about the FTC? FTC stands for Federal Trade Commission. It is an agency run in the United States if America Having a principal mission in the enforcement of the civil laws and the promotion and encouragement of consumer protection. It is the basic right of the consumer that it's laws and rights are fully secured and protected. The headquarters are in Washington DC , USA. It was founded by Woodrow wilson. The FTC is run by five commissioners each who have completed seven year terms . They are nominated by the President of the United States of America and confirmed by the Senate. But the FTC is not able to select more than three commissioners from the same political party.

What does the FTC do? 

It is an international agency which aims to protect consumers and local individuals by controlling any unfair, deceptive or fraudulent business practices and promoting fair competition among the customers.

It also provides access to different resources, protection and tools for consumers. The work of FTC has been split into three main areas each having its own focus.

The Bureau of competition

This is the special branch of the Federal Trade Commission which is responsible for accessing anticompetitive mergers and anti competitive practices by the business man.

The Bureau of consumer protection

It is the special branch of the Federal Trade Commission which is helpful in consumer protection.  The basic rights of the consumers are legalized and protected in this special branch. The unfair, deceptive and fraudulent acts or practices can be controlled and overcome in the society.

The Bureau of Economics

The potential impacts of FTC on the economy of a country can be controlled by this type of Bureau. Much of the work involves monitoring, controlling and conducting investigations.

The FTC also shares it's information with other government and law enforcement organizations. They along with them work in certain areas and provide tools and resources to strengthen and empower the consumer protection.

The FTC can seek relief for consumers and customers while in some cases they go after the perpetrators for civil penalties. Trust is everything . They build trust with the public by staying bipartisan. They select the most appropriate decision and save the consumer rights and laws of the public.

Read more: FTC Law Firm


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